Learn About The Influence Of Exercise On The Brain

Learn about the effects of exercise on the brain

Many studies have shown that the body is in optimal condition when the brain benefits from a large amount of exercise. The positive effect of physical exercise on the brain allows this most important organ in our body to function properly and it does not decrease its efficiency.

In addition, training has a great influence on our cognitive skills.

Regular physical activity is a key factor that affects the well-being of everyone. This is because exercise has beneficial effects on the brain . The good psychological and physical condition of an individual depends largely on the health of the brain.

Therefore, it is very important to stay physically active if you want to improve your quality of life.

There is ample evidence that exercise has a positive effect on the brain. Research suggests that regular training slows the aging process and may prevent the development of serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In addition, they significantly improve our mood and quality of life.

Already in ancient times, the beneficial effects of exercise on the brain were emphasized. In the 2nd century BC, the poet Juwenalis even wrote the famous Latin proverb “Mens sana in corpore sano” (a healthy mind in a healthy body). Nowadays, thanks to the discoveries of science, we know that he was right.

The Brain Effects Of Exercise: Countless Benefits

Overall, exercise has a positive effect on our brain because it relies heavily on our circulatory system to function. He, in turn, works much better when you are physically active on a regular basis. Cardiovascular health translates directly into brain health.

Dad carrying his son on his back
Exercise is good for people of all ages, and you can do it with others.

Quite a few studies have proven the relationship between frequent physical activity and a decrease in the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, researchers have also proven that physical activity improves various cognitive functions and brings many psychological benefits.

A group of researchers from the University of Western Sydney and the University of Manchester have published research on the subject in NeuroImage . Their results show that in some areas of the brain, declines of as much as 5% over ten years are observed after the age of 40. For people who exercise, this ratio can even drop to zero.

Physiological and cognitive benefits

One of the main benefits of exercise is that it helps to generate more neurons. For a long time it was believed that the brain was unable to produce new cells. However, today we know that this is not the case at all. This process is called “neurogenesis.”

One area of ​​the brain that is involved in neurogenesis is the hippocampus. An experiment conducted on a group of 737 people, chaired by Dr. Joseph Firth, showed that regular aerobic exercise increases the size of the left hippocampus. Thus, physical exercise supports the creation of new neurons.

In addition, researchers found that exercise:

  • They take care of the good condition of the gray matter. It is responsible for data transfer and mental alertness, but it has grown weaker over the years. However, studies have shown that it is denser and more complete in people who exercise, regardless of their age.
  • They improve executive activities. Thanks to them, people are able to complete tasks and solve complex problems.
  • They improve concentration. Several studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have fewer problems concentrating.
  • They increase the mind’s volatility. Physical activity increases the ability to move from one task to another with great ease.
  • They improve long-term memory. One study found that people who practice before memorizing text remember it better than people who were not physically active.
  • They slow down the aging of the brain. There are studies that show that people who exercise regularly have a larger area of ​​the hippocampus by 1 to 2% after the age of 30.

Psychological and emotional benefits of exercise

As if that were not enough, other studies show that physical activity has many psychological and emotional benefits. Mental health is one of the most important building blocks for proper brain function, and exercise helps maintain it.

Meditating woman - the effect of exercise on the brain
Exercise influences your emotions. This is because exercise floods the brain with substances that create a feeling of satisfaction.

Exercise is good for our brain health because:

  • It protects against the risk of developing depression and reduces its intensity. Physical activity acts as a natural antidepressant because it affects the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in well-being and a positive mood.
  • It reduces stress and anxiety. During exercise, your body releases endorphins (more specifically dopamine and norepinephrine) into the bloodstream. They help reduce nervousness and irritation while promoting emotional balance.
  • Finally, it increases the individual’s self-esteem and creativity. Physical activity also affects our motivation and level of vitality. All these activities make us more creative and full of initiative. In addition, regular exercise helps to reduce the withdrawal symptoms that occur when trying to quit.

Then what are you waiting for? Start moving! Your brain will thank you for it.

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