Flu Or Cold? Main Differences

While these are two diseases that are usually considered very similar, the reality is that the flu and the common cold are very different from each other. The causes, diagnosis, and treatments your doctor recommends vary.
Flu or cold?  The main differences

When there is physical discomfort that affects the airways, the obligatory question we must ask ourselves is this: is it the flu or a cold ? Both diseases develop under the influence of a viral infection, however, they differ significantly from each other.

So if you want to properly treat an infection, you first need to know if it’s the flu or a cold . Discover the specifics of these two common ailments in this article. We invite you to read!

Flu and colds – what are the causes

There are about 200 viruses that can cause a cold or a runny nose. As for the cause of the flu, it is caused by a virus known as Influenzavirus . The WHO (World Health Organization) has identified the most important and numerous strains of this virus that causes seasonal infections.

These viruses can spread with relative ease because they are present in the environment and are found on all surfaces where they can survive for up to 24 hours. In addition, people who have already fallen victim to the virus can pass it on to other people through coughing, saliva and sneezing.

Existing vaccines are usually prescribed to prevent infections from influenza A and B strains, as they are considered the most dangerous and contagious.

It is recommended that they be applied once a year to specific vulnerable groups of the population before the winter season. Particularly vulnerable groups include the elderly, pregnant women, the sick, healthcare workers and children.

Other differences

A cold or runny nose causes moderate discomfort in the nose and throat. As for the flu, it can affect the respiratory system in general, but also cause physical discomfort throughout the body.


When it comes to weather conditions that are conducive to disease, a cold can be caught at any time of the year, although it is not so common in summer. Influenza, on the other hand, is usually very seasonal and spreads mainly during the winter season.

Flu or cold? Various symptoms

The most common symptoms of a cold are nasal congestion, shortness of breath, sneezing and coughing. You may also have a sore throat and a slight increase in body temperature, but usually you do not get a high fever (up to 37.5 ° C).

In contrast , flu symptoms include, to a lesser extent, nasal congestion, sore throat and cough. Added to this, however, is a strong feeling of exhaustion, muscle pain and headaches. There is also a high fever, which is higher than 38.5 ° C.

Doctor in a mask

A treatment regimen for both infections

Since both diseases develop under the influence of viruses, treatment is symptomatic, that is, it is aimed only at alleviating symptoms.

Each of these indispositions develops in a specific cycle that lasts a given number of days. Typically, symptoms last longer with flu than with a cold, and there is no specific treatment that will shorten this period.

  • It is not a bacterial process, so antibiotics should not be taken except in cases where complications arise. Antibiotics should always be prescribed by a specialist doctor.
  • Pharmacological self-treatment is not recommended when this type of pathology occurs.  Only healthcare professionals are professionally qualified to prescribe medications to combat the symptoms of these diseases.
  • Treatment includes the administration of vasoconstrictors, antitussives, antiallergics or antihistamines. Syrups or expectorant tablets, mucolytics, painkillers and flu medications, as the case may be, are also prescribed.

How flu and colds are diagnosed and how long they last

Patients often have great doubts about the duration of these two conditions. Below we will see some important information on this topic:

  • Generally speaking, a doctor will only need a description of the symptoms to diagnose one of these conditions. At your discretion, however, you can always request blood tests and throat swabs.
  • It is believed that a cold promises a fairly quick recovery. It can take up to five days from the time you get symptoms, but they begin to develop gradually.
  • Flu-induced malaise usually occurs suddenly and symptoms increase rapidly. This illness lasts from 7 to 15 days, although there is a broad typology of influenza that covers very different cases.
  • If any of these conditions last longer than estimated, seek immediate medical attention to avoid serious complications and complications.

Possible complications


Influenza and colds present a different clinical picture, both in terms of symptoms and treatment. They may also be accompanied by bacterial infections.

Flu or cold: home care

Without forgetting that only a doctor is licensed to prescribe medications, certain home remedies can help manage these conditions. In the most severe stage of flu or colds, the following factors are important:

  • Physical rest. The body is busy fighting the disease from within, so the body needs peace and all its available energy.
  • Adequate hydration of the body. Drink plenty of fluids to allow the mucus to liquefy and to relieve airway congestion.
  • Air humidification. The use of humidifiers has a very positive effect on the patient’s well-being. It is known that a dry environment promotes the proliferation of bacteria in the respiratory tract.

When it comes to body hygiene habits, be it the flu or the common cold, frequent hand washing is recommended to minimize the spread of the disease. You should also take care of the maintenance of general hygiene of the body and the environment.

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