Eyesight – 9 Fantastic Exercises That Will Make It Stronger

Would you like to improve your eyesight and prevent its deterioration? You should practice eye exercises as often as possible to prevent damage from, for example, computers.
Sight - 9 fantastic exercises to strengthen it

Vision and eye health have deteriorated significantly in recent decades in society. Although most people ignore poor eyesight , the problem lies largely with electronic devices.

Of course, many problems are due to genetics and environmental factors, but more and more people develop vision problems due to radiation from computer screens.

The consequences do not come right away, but after some time some symptoms begin to appear that something is wrong with the eyesight. This affects the ability to see well.

Therefore, it is very important to take care of your eyesight and your health. Adequate habits should be brought into life that work well for the eyes. Among them are very simple exercises. Performed daily, they relax and strengthen your eyesight.

Let’s take a look at them!

1. Relaxation exercise to take care of your eyesight

This simple relaxation exercise is fantastic to relax your eyesight. It is recommended especially after a long day of computer work.

Exercise to focus your eyesight

Exercise helps to reduce eye strain while increasing visual acuity and reducing sensitivity to light.

Here’s what to do:

  • Get away from the computer screen, preferably to a quiet place. Make sure your hands are clean. Then rub them until they are warm.
  • Then close your eyes and cover them with warm hands. Do not press.
  • When covering your eyes, make sure you are not covering your nose and that you can breathe easily. Your fingers should be brought together so that no light reaches your eyes.
  • Imagine deep darkness. Try to relax and breathe slowly.
  • Do this exercise for 2-3 minutes. Then open your eyes.

2. Open and close your eyes tightly

Strongly opening and closing your eyes is an interesting activity. Contrary to appearances, it relaxes your eyes and reduces the effects of light from the computer monitor.

These are very simple exercises that increase tear production and reduce red eyes.

Here’s what to do:

  • Close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds. Then open it as wide as possible for 3-5 seconds.
  • Do 10-12 repetitions.

3. Fingertip exercises

A simple relaxation exercise to keep your eyes hydrated. It prevents dryness caused by intensive use of electronic devices.

A woman touching her eyelids with her fingertips

Here’s what to do:

  • In a quiet, dark place, close your eyes. Then gently massage them with your fingertips.
  • Gently press your eyelids. Make circular movements for 8-10 seconds.
  • Do 8 repetitions and rest.

4. Circular movements

Circular movements are a great exercise to strengthen your eyesight. It helps prevent corneal and macular degeneration.

In this way, you reduce the tension caused by sleepiness and at the same time increase the hydration of the eyes and the blood circulation.

Here’s what to do:

  • Make circular movements with your eyes like the hands of a clock.
  • Do 21 repetitions and rest for 30 seconds. Then do another 21 repetitions, this time the other way.

5. Exercise “focusing”

Exercising focusing on a subject is very good at improving visual acuity. They also help fight blurry images.

Woman covering the eye

In this example, we’re operating with a pencil, but you can select any object.

Here’s what to do:

  • Take a pencil in your hand and extend your hand with the pencil to shoulder length.
  • With a slow motion, bring the pencil towards your nose – keep looking at it.
  • Now make movements to the right and left, focusing on the pencil all the time.
  • Do 10-20 repetitions.

6. Writing in your imagination

Writing in memory is another exercise to strengthen your eyesight. Helps reduce premature eye degeneration.

Here’s what to do:

  • Stand in front of a large wall, preferably a white one. Then pretend you are writing with your eyes without moving your head.
  • The bigger letters you can create, the stronger your eyesight will be.
  • Do 5 repetitions with 20-second rests each.

You can strengthen your eyesight both naturally and effectively. Plus, it only takes 5 minutes a day! Do these activities once a day and discover how many benefits they can bring you.

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