Cancer Prevention And Fresh Fruit And Vegetables

Does eating vegetables and fruits support anti-cancer prevention?
Cancer prevention and fresh fruit and vegetables

Cancer prevention has been one of the most publicized topics recently. This is due to the significant number of cases recorded in recent years. Virtually everyone knows someone who has struggled or struggling with this disease – with varying outcomes. On the other hand, it is worth paying attention to the diagnosis of cancer – it has developed a lot recently.

In recent years,  many people have died of cancer without knowing the cause. Cancer has often been confused with cardiopulmonary arrest, while cancer was probably the only culprit.

The biggest mistake is to think that thanks to the modern  diagnostic equipment of the 21st century, we have a better chance of being cured. That is why  cancer prevention is of  interest to many people. Some people say that the best way to avoid illness is to eat vegetables and fruits. But is it really so?

Cancer prevention and eating fruit

The biological cause of cancer is mutations in cells. Prevention of cancer involves, among other things, stopping these mutations. For this, it is worth consuming antioxidants. Their task is to prevent oxidation, i.e. oxidation of cells. In this way, we prevent cell mutations as well as premature aging.

The fruit is rich in antioxidants; however, they have one disadvantage – they contain a lot of simple sugars. This is a problem because cancer feeds on sugar, which allows it to develop.

berries and cancer prevention

Therefore, not all fruits are suitable for specialized diets. It’s best to consult a dietitian before including fruit in your diet. Below is a list of fruits that show the best properties in preventing cancer:

  • Coconut : it contains little sugar, so you can easily include it in your anti-cancer diet. In addition, it is rich in valuable fats. This type of fat helps to break down food particles. To digest food, you need a lot of energy produced by your body’s cells, which is tiring for them. Healthy fats contained in coconut support digestive processes, thus relieving the cells. In addition, you remove harmful substances from your body faster.
  • Quince:  this fruit contains a lot of vitamin C, just like citrus fruits, which makes it an excellent immune system function. Thanks to vitamin C, your body will better cope with undesirable substances getting inside it.
  • Berries: especially the red variety has many health benefits. In addition, they are distinguished by two features that are extremely desirable in an anti-cancer diet – they have a low glycemic index and contain a lot of antioxidants. Therefore, red berries are recommended to be eaten daily.

Anti-cancer prevention and eating vegetables

In the previous section, we mentioned how important the digestive system is in preventing cancer. We have described that this work is divided into two phases – effort to digest food and excreting toxins.

Due to the high fiber content  that helps break down food, vegetables can improve both of these aspects of the digestive system. Not to mention the fact that, like fruit, vegetables are also brimming with antioxidants.

various vegetables and cancer prevention

Here are some vegetables that show the best cancer-fighting properties:

  • Spinach:  virtually all leafy green vegetables are indicated for cancer prevention. First of all, they are rich in flavonoids and fiber. In addition, they exhibit anti-inflammatory properties and provide the body with antioxidants necessary to fight free radicals.
  • Cruciferous vegetables : including cauliflower, broccoli or other similar vegetables. In addition to the ingredients mentioned above, they also contain some that are not mentioned: isothiocyanates. The most notable property of cruciferous vegetables is their ability to protect cells. They can inactivate carcinogens.
  • Carrots are one of the most complex vegetables. It contains an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is worth including it in your daily diet as it perfectly nourishes the body and thus can prevent cancer.

Try to remember these three factors: sugar, antioxidants, and fiber. If you take control of them, you will significantly improve your health. Remember, however, that we still don’t know much about cancer. There are genetics at stake, as well as environmental and emotional factors.

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