Lack Of Sleep – 7 Dangerous Consequences

Lack of sleep causes an increase in the amount of hormones responsible for appetite, and thus, our appetite increases and we gain weight.
Lack of sleep - 7 dangerous consequences

More than one of us felt the effects of their own skin, which causes  lack  of sleep. Notorious sleep makes us unable to concentrate, we lack energy, and our appearance leaves much to be desired. Nay! In the long run,  lack of  sleep can cause other, much more dangerous effects.

A recent study by Texas State University found that people who don’t get enough sleep (less than 7 hours of sleep) have genetic changes that can lead to ailments such as obesity, heart disease, memory loss,  etc.

In today’s article, we’ll give you all the details about staying awake.

Lack of sleep increases the risk of stroke

Scientists argue that people who do not get enough sleep are particularly at risk of having a stroke.


Adults who sleep less than 6 hours a day are four times more susceptible to this condition. Be sure to take this into account.


J f the you have trouble sleeping or sleep less than 6 hours a day, it probably increases your appetite and the desire to reach for the most calorie products. This is because lack of sleep causes hormonal changes in the body.

Accordingly, in the long run, lack of sleep can lead to obesity. According to studies, the levels of leptin and ghrelin – hormones responsible for appetite – are increased.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention proved that poor sleep quality is closely related to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes because it reduces the effect of insulin.


Memory loss

It is well known that the lack of rest makes us much more forgetful and unable to concentrate properly. However, take into account that if this situation continues, it may cause serious cognitive problems.

One sleepless night is enough and our brain can be seriously damaged due to elevated blood levels. A study by the University of California confirms that not getting enough sleep causes the degeneration of brain tissue.

Increased risk of flu

Too little sleep weakens the immune system and we make us more prone to flu and colds. Scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have proven this.

Flu and colds

Heart diseases

If you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more hormones and chemicals. They can lead to heart disease. One of the publications of the European Heart Journal argues that those who sleep less than 6 hours are 48% more likely to suffer from heart problems.

The same publication emphasizes the importance of sleep in maintaining adequate blood pressure and in the fight against congestion in the veins.

Greater risk of cancer

American scientists have proved that lack of sleep may be associated with the risk of developing colorectal cancer. A study of 1,240 people found that those who slept less than 6 hours had a double risk of developing gut polyps.


These polyps can turn into a malignant neoplasm in the long run.

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