Stretch Marks – Soothe Them With This Carrot Remedy

Beta carotene and vitamin A present in carrots actively participate in the process of tissue regeneration. The other ingredients in this remedy are equally beneficial.
Stretch marks - soothe them with this carrot remedy

This simple and inexpensive home remedy made of carrots will help you very effectively reduce stretch marks that appear uninvited on our skin. We mean, among others, stretch marks around the muscles, abdomen and breasts.

It is not just a purely aesthetic problem. For many women, stretch marks are a cause of lowered self-esteem – especially in summer when we expose more of the body or go to the beach in a bikini.

Of course, it should be remembered that the remedy we propose will only help reduce the visibility of stretch marks, not completely remove them. However, it’s worth a try, especially if one of the options you’re considering is surgery.

You can also boldly combine our proposed natural treatments with your traditional beauty care methods – it will certainly not hurt you. Be sure to read and find out more now!

Stretch marks and a natural remedy: let nature take care of your skin

Stretch marks on the abdomen

When discussing the topic of carrots and their healing properties for the skin, the first thing that comes to mind, no doubt, is its nutrients that will help us achieve a beautiful tan.

It turns out that it has many more benefits that it can bring to your skin. This is truly remarkable given the following facts:

  • Stretch marks are caused by the breaking of the elastic fibers of the skin. First, they take on a crimson shade, and then they acquire a purple or white color.
  • Carrots are one of the most useful vegetables in this situation: they help us cleanse the blood, stimulate the formation of red blood cells due to the high iron content  . This vegetable is effective in combating premature aging and perfectly cleanses our liver.
  • When it comes to stretch marks, our proposed natural carrot remedy acts as a skin nutrient. It enables the tissue to regenerate in case of injury or contamination.
  • Carrots are rich in beta-carotene and provitamin A. Right after parsley, it is one of the most powerful natural remedies for caring for the skin, lightening stains, removing imperfections and reducing inflammation.

Natural carrot remedy – preparation method

Carrot mousse in a jar

The proposed natural carrot remedy for stretch marks will contain 6 ingredients that will act day after day as strong factors combating this aesthetic problem. The ingredients of this remedy are:


We’ll use two carrots  to make a stretch mark cream. We’ll add five more ingredients. The cream made by us can be stored for five consecutive days to perform the beauty ritual.


Aloe is a medicinal plant known all over the world for its properties that accelerate wound healing, regeneration and the treatment of damage and inflammation.

  • It will be our great ally and will help fight stretch marks by reducing their visibility. It will also help us prevent further skin imperfections – especially around the muscles and abdomen.
  • Moisturizing aloe, nourishes and regenerates tissues thanks to its ingredients, such as magnesium lactate – an inhibitor of collagen breakdown. It stimulates circulation and helps to avoid red shades that stretch marks often have.

An avocado

An avocado

Thanks to the content of many nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, E, B1, and strong antioxidants, avocado is an inseparable component of all skin creams with a regenerative effect.

In combination with carrots, it will help you fight stretch marks.

Essential oils

  • Rosehip oil is a secret weapon of natural medicine used to soothe and heal stretch marks and scars.
  • In this case, it is necessary to buy the oil sold in pharmacies or in stores with natural products. It is 100% natural and cold-pressed, thanks to which it retains all its properties.
  • Almond oil: Nourishes, regenerates, provides elasticity and tones the skin. In combination with other elements of this natural remedy, it provides great treatment results.

Field horsetail

If you add horsetail to the cream, it will help a lot to take care of your skin, because this plant is the richest natural source of silicon available to man.

Thanks to the high content of this mineral, horsetail helps to stimulate the production of collagen in our body, which very effectively regenerates damaged body tissues.

Ingredients and their amounts necessary for effective treatment

aloe gel on a teaspoon
  • 2 cooked carrots
  • 1 tablespoon of aloe vera (15 g)
  • 10 drops of rosehip oil
  • 5 drops of almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon of avocado (30 g)
  • 2 bags of horsetail tea
  • 5 tablespoons of water (50 ml)

A method of preparing

  • The first thing you should do is brew horsetail. We need about 50 ml of water (less than half a glass) – thanks to this, the infusion will be well concentrated. When the infusion is ready, let it cool and save.
  • Then you need to overcook the carrots until they are mashed. Once they’re cooked, put them in a blender along with the avocado and aloe vera for a smooth paste.
  • After completing the above steps, add an infusion of horsetail, as well as 10 drops of rosehip oil and 5 drops of  almond oil.

Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon and store it covered in a glass container.

Use this natural remedy every evening where you have stretch marks. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.

After a few weeks, you will certainly see positive results.

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