Quarrels In A Relationship – How To Do It Right?

Good communication in a relationship is the key to avoiding unnecessary tensions and conflicts. Learn to talk openly about everything and not suppress your emotions.
Quarrels in a relationship - How to do it right?

Arguing  is an integral part of any relationship. It is worth noting, however, that we can divide all disputes and conflicts into those that are constructive and necessary, and those that only bring confusion and stress to our lives.

Stupid arguments can ruin even the most reliable relationships, so you should consider whether the game is worth the candle.

Quarrels in relationships often arise  from prolonged repression of emotions and a lack of proper communication. If you want conflicts in your relationship to be only uplifting, not destructive, be sure to read this article and learn to do it right.

Quarrels in a relationship and our attitude

Without good communication, a relationship is very prone to pointless arguments that can even lead to a breakup.

Social media and arguments in a relationship

Social media and modern communication tools can be a great opportunity to stay in touch with your partner regardless of distance or lack of time.

At the same time, however, it is worth bearing in mind all the risks that the use of social media entails.

The first thing is possible misunderstandings or erroneous messages. They can lead to scenes of jealousy that could have been avoided.

Couple with phones

It’s always better to talk to the person closest to you, looking into their eyes. Even if the conversation were to take place on Skype. Better than writing messages that can be read differently.

Social media can be a source of relationship problems. But it can be avoided if we talk honestly and openly. Don’t suppress your emotions and keep your suspicions to yourself – communication is the most important thing.

Don’t close in on yourself

A lot of unnecessary quarrels come from the fact that one of the partners finally throws out something that he has been holding back for a long time. Then words are often uttered that we would never have spoken otherwise; things are happening that we will regret later.

Even when we don’t let the other half know that something is going wrong, we are unable to forget and deny what is bothering us.

This problem builds up and eventually reaches a point where we are no longer able to control ourselves.

Have you ever wondered how to avoid this situation? First of all, it is worth talking openly and regularly with your partner.

Quarrels in a relationship

Talk to yourself about everything and do not allow anger and other negative emotions to accumulate in you. Sometimes something seems completely irrelevant and trivial to us, but over time it turns into a source of serious conflict.

The problem with many modern relationships is that two people cannot talk to each other completely honestly and openly.

We keep many things to ourselves, which can have unexpected consequences later on. Quarrels in a relationship are completely natural, but to be constructive, we have to control what, when and how we say.

Don’t let the past influence the present

Another aspect that makes arguing in a relationship dangerous has a lot to do with the suppression of emotions, which we discussed earlier – it is about constantly going back to the past and not being able to deal with it.

When we keep looking back, we are unable to live here and now ; in a cruel and senseless way, we compare the present with some analogous situation in the past, thanks to which emotions do not fade away, but even accumulate.


Relationship quarrels can arise from inability to move forward ; to avoid this, it is worth learning to look ahead and expect the best from the future. Past events must not be allowed to hold us in place, not allowing us to develop.

There are many people among us who are incapable of taking any step because they have not dealt with their past. Old fears, doubts or traumas cancel out everything they still had to offer to the world.

As the old saying goes, it is better late than never, so it is worth considering a problem from the past, but only to finally solve it and forget about it once and for all.

By suppressing this problem within yourself, you risk not only recurring arguments, but also the inability to make any move.

Relationship conflict

Every relationship should be cared for and cared for; for this to be effective, however, mutual accusations and doubts must be eliminated.

The art of forgiving is very difficult. However, it is worth learning, as well as proper communication with your partner – it will pay off for the future.

Talk openly with your significant other, don’t be afraid to talk about what is bothering you or bothering you. Living in a relationship is the freedom of thoughts and emotions – such freedom will ensure that quarrels will not threaten your relationship and will only strengthen it for years to come.

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