Saffron And Ginger Infusion For Slimming: Delicious Recipes

Ginger and turmeric infusion naturally increases body temperature, thus accelerating fat burning. If you want to slim your figure and take care of the health of the digestive system and well-being, often reach for this healing, delicious drink.
Slimming ginger and turmeric infusion!

So that the slimming diet is not a difficult and unpleasant experience for you, try to regularly reach for products that naturally stimulate the production of endorphins. Thanks to this, they improve mood and well-being. Undoubtedly, this group of food products includes slimming ginger and turmeric infusions.

The slimming infusion itself, however, will not help you get rid of unnecessary fat tissue quickly. You cannot do without a healthy and balanced diet and a good dose of physical activity. Both ginger and turmeric are characterized by a high content of ingredients that stimulate and accelerate fat burning.

Therefore, they are an indispensable element of the diet of anyone who wants to lose a few unnecessary kilograms.

An infusion of ginger and turmeric will help you lose weight as quickly and healthily as possible (without worrying about the yo-yo effect). The use of these products in your daily diet will certainly not cause you any difficulties. Both roots are an important component of culinary delights around the world. What’s more, they show strong healing properties.

You can easily get ginger and turmeric in almost every supermarket or market. Both products are available both as a fresh root and as a powdered spice.

In the further part of this article, you will learn what properties each of these spices have and how they reduce weight. You will also learn the recipe for slimming ginger and turmeric infusion .

Slimming turmeric infusion – learn about its properties

Turmeric is a very powerful natural medicine that not only improves the function of the vital organs, but also helps to control body weight naturally.

  • The main active ingredient in turmeric is a compound called curcumin. It plays a key role in the process of accelerating fat burning, inhibiting the division of fat cells in the body.
  • Thanks to it, the formation of new fat cells is reduced, and thus – we do not gain weight so easily.
  • What’s more, curcumin naturally controls blood levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. Therefore, frequent consumption of turmeric helps to cleanse the blood and stabilize the level of fats contained in it.
  • Turmeric prevents insulin resistance, i.e. it helps stabilize blood glucose levels. It also prevents the accumulation of unnecessary fat in the body.
  • Another advantage of this orange rhizome is that it naturally raises the stomach’s bile levels – a substance that helps dissolve fats. Therefore, it supports the process of losing weight in a way that is healthy for the body.
  • It is a valuable source of polyphenols. These antioxidants help remove toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate in our body every day.
  • Turmeric root is also famous for its strong anti-inflammatory properties that effectively fight flatulence and abdominal swelling.
  • The slimming turmeric infusion naturally accelerates the metabolism, making it easier to burn fats.

The slimming properties of ginger

Ginger is a great ally for anyone who wants to gain or maintain a healthy weight. Its regular consumption accelerates fat burning, soothes inflammation and boosts metabolism to the maximum.

Grated ginger. Slimming ginger and turmeric infusion
  • The substances contained in the ginger root stimulate the production of serotonin – a neurotransmitter that controls appetite and is responsible for the feeling of satiety.
  • People who eat ginger regularly are not in the habit of eating unhealthy snacks, and the portion sizes they eat are much smaller than the amount of food eaten by people who do not include this precious root in their diet.
  • Ginger contains, inter alia, substances called gingerol and shoagol – two active ingredients that greatly accelerate metabolism, and thus – burn fat and make the body reach for deeply stored energy reserves.
  • By raising the body temperature, it makes the fat burning process faster and more effective.
  • Ginger root is a powerful antioxidant that greatly supports the process of removing toxins and other harmful substances from the body. At the same time, it prevents the occurrence of fluid retention in the body’s tissues, edema, overweight and obesity.

The slimming properties of ginger and turmeric infusions

The slimming ginger and turmeric infusion is a powerful natural medicine that benefits our health in many different ways. The benefits of drinking this healing tea on a regular basis are endless. Meet some of the most important of them!

A bowl of turmeric Slimming ginger and turmeric infusion
  • Slimming infusion of ginger and turmeric supports the functions of the liver: it naturally cleanses it, protects the cells of the liver and prevents the accumulation of fats in it.
  • It helps to alleviate the symptoms of kidney stones and protects the gallbladder against the harmful effects of toxic substances.
  • Supports digestive processes: acts as a protective lotion for the stomach and intestines. It stimulates bowel movements and relieves symptoms associated with eating too much. It also effectively treats indigestion and gastritis.
  • The slimming infusion of ginger and turmeric also has carminative properties, thanks to which it relieves flatulence and supports the elimination of intestinal gases (the consequences of eating fatty and heavy meals).
  • Ginger greatly improves the body’s immunity, so it is widely used as a natural remedy against flu and colds. It is a valuable source of vitamin C, niacin, phosphorus and potassium – substances that naturally strengthen the body’s immune system.

Recipe for slimming ginger and turmeric infusion

  • 2 teaspoons of powdered turmeric (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh ginger root (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
Ginger infusion
A method of preparing
  • First, peel the ginger root and grate it on a fine-mesh grater.
  • Pour the water into the pot, add the grated ginger to it, put it on the fire and bring it to a boil.
  • When the water starts to bubble, remove the pot from the heat and strain the brew through a strainer.
  • Pour the infusion into your favorite glass and add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it.
  • If you want, you can sweeten your slimming brew with a spoonful of honey.
  • You can also add a few drops of lemon juice or a lemon slice to it.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and drink it.

How and when to consume ginger and turmeric infusion so that the kilograms go down?

The main purpose of this medicinal infusion is to speed up the metabolism. Hence, the time of its consumption plays a fundamental role when following a slimming diet. Depending on when you drink the infusion, you will be able to make the most of the valuable properties of these two roots.

Follow the tips below and you won’t have to wait long for the results!

  • Consume ginger and turmeric for weight loss in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, and sip it throughout the day. Try to drink more than water. In this way, you will not only perfectly hydrate the body, but also provide it with energy and lose weight at the same time.
  • As mentioned above, ginger and turmeric infusions provide a feeling of fullness. Hence, it is recommended to eat it about 30 minutes before each meal – thanks to this, the portion you eat will be slightly smaller than normal.

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