Coca-cola: Use It In 8 Practical Ways

Coca-Cola: Use it in 8 practical ways

Coca-Cola is one of the most popular carbonated drinks around the world. Some studies and sources say it is also the most drunk drink, right after water.

Products of the Coca-Cola Company are available in more than 200 countries from all over the world. In addition, the drink, developed in 1866, has the largest number of bottles sold all over the world year after year.

But despite these important statistics for the company, Coca-Cola has been a source of controversy for many years. They are caused by many of the potential side effects that drinking this drink can cause in the human body.

Coca-Cola has undergone numerous scientific studies. Their results clearly show that the high content of sugar and synthetic additives can cause many serious diseases in the long run.

Coca-Cola with ice

And while some people still ignore inconvenient facts, some of the negative effects of drinking Coca-Cola soda occur within hours of drinking one glass of them.

Also, many people still do not know that there are other alternative uses that Coca-Cola can have. It is remarkable that most of them can be used without harming your own health.

In today’s article, we are going to present you eight of the most interesting applications for which Coca-Cola can be used. Of course, you can try all of them in your own home.

So have a bottle of Coca-Cola ready to have on hand and we invite you to read!

1. Coca-Cola perfectly removes rust stains from the bathtub

Phosphoric acid, which Coca-Cola contains in large amounts, is an active chemical compound that effectively allows us to get rid of rust stains in the bathtub.

Washing the bathtub

How to use Coca-Cola for this purpose?

  • Dip a rough sponge in this drink and then rub the stain vigorously over the stain you intend to remove.
  • Repeat the same procedure several times until you are completely rid of the stubborn stain.

2. Degreasing clothes

When your clothes have become stained with greasy substances that we believe are impossible to remove and we consider them completely damaged, Coca-Cola may come to our aid.

The truth is that its ingredients can prove invaluable in removing grease stains.

How to use Coca-Cola for this purpose?

  • Pour a glass of this drink into the washing machine along with the usual detergent you normally use and run your machine’s normal wash cycle at 40 (or 60 if your clothes allow it) degrees Celsius.
  • At the end of the cycle, you will be able to notice that the greasy stains are gone from your clothes.

However, this method should only be used occasional, regular washing of clothes with coca-cola can quickly damage the fabric.

3. Cleaning coins

Coca-Cola is highly effective in polishing metals to a high gloss. In this way, you will be able to quickly and efficiently renew your coin collection, which will then undoubtedly amaze every numismatics lover.

Coca-Cola and coin cleaning

How to use Coca-Cola for this purpose?

  • Put all the coins in a small bowl and pour Coca-Cola over them.
  • Leave it all for a few minutes for the drink to kick in, then remove the coins and wipe them with a clean cloth.

4. Loosening seized screws

With time and especially due to environmental factors, threaded connections usually become very difficult to unscrew. As a rule, the biggest problem appears when we are in a hurry and we have to unscrew the seized screw quickly and efficiently.

Although we can loosen them with special penetrating preparations based on industrial oils, we can also take advantage of the properties of Coca-Cola. It will prove to be an extremely effective tool for this purpose.

How to use Coca-Cola for this purpose?

  • Pour a little of this drink over the screw and let it sit for a while. Then, carefully start loosening the stubborn screw.

5. Removing traces of paint from furniture

When you start painting walls or objects in your home, in the vast majority of cases it will end up in splashing the furniture or the floor.

Instead of buying expensive cleaners full of poisonous chemicals, check your refrigerator. If there is a Coca-Cola in it, you can use it for this purpose.

Removing paint

How to use Coca-Cola for this purpose?

  • Pour Cola on the dirty surface, leave it on for about 5 minutes, then wipe the surface with a soft cloth, then rinse with water.

6. Cleaning pots and pans

The pots and pans in our kitchen are the most troublesome to clean.

Due to the accumulation of grease and food residues on them, over time they acquire a dark color, which looks unsightly and gives the impression of ubiquitous dirt.

If you want to restore your pots and pans to their clean look and shine, while cleaning them of unwanted residues, Coca-Cola can be an effective help in this task.

How to use Coca-Cola for this purpose?

  • Pour half a cup of this drink into the bottom of the pan and heat the liquid for about 4 minutes (do not boil it though). Now empty the vessel and rinse it with water. The difference should be visible at a glance.

7. Cleaning the toilet bowl

The chemical compounds in this drink are able to effectively remove the yellowish coating and unpleasant-looking stains, which appear frequently in even regularly cleaned toilet bowls.

Coca-Cola is great for cleaning the toilet bowl

How to use Coca-Cola for this purpose?

  • Pour a glass of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl so that it thoroughly sprinkles the entire interior.
  • Allow it to sit for at least one hour for the phosphoric acid in the drink to take effect.
  • After the indicated time has elapsed, clean the toilet bowl using a standard cleaning agent, such as a cleansing milk.

8. Removing clogged drains

How to use Coca-Cola for this purpose?

  • Pour about half a liter of Coca-Cola into the clogged drain.
  • Leave it on for about an hour or two, allowing the acids in this drink to act on the waste remaining in the pipes.
  • Now you can carefully pour two liters of boiling water down the drain. Be careful, as if the clog is shallow under the filler cap, it may cause bubbling and splashing with boiling water – risking burns.
  • Undoubtedly, the effect of this action will surprise you, and in addition you will get rid of unpleasant odors that often come out of the drain.

Does Coca-Cola have any other uses in your home? Now that you know how useful this famous drink can be, don’t hesitate to use it as an alternative remedy for various domestic problems and inconveniences.

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