Menstrual Cramps – Heal With 5 Infusions!

The pains caused by menstrual cramps can be very annoying and even debilitating. In our today’s article, we introduce you to 5 hot drinks that can help you relieve those persistent menstrual pains.
Menstrual cramps - heal with 5 infusions!

Menstruation usually only occurs once a month. Unfortunately, many women experience abdominal pain, menstrual cramps and general discomfort during it . However, you should know that there are some completely natural methods of alleviating these unpleasant ailments. These include hot drinks, among others.

Of course, we recommend that you eat a healthy diet first to prevent and treat any bothersome symptoms during your period. Fortunately, hot drinks are also effective in relieving menstrual cramps .

In addition, it is best to avoid drinking coffee and tea during your period, as the caffeine contained in these drinks can additionally cause irritation, anxiety and water retention in the body.

Avoiding drinking coffee, however, doesn’t mean you can’t drink other types of drinks instead. Some of them can provide a lot of valuable benefits for women’s health.

Below we present you some interesting proposals that will undoubtedly be great allies for you in the fight against ailments caused by abdominal pain and menstrual cramps.

Hot drinks to relieve menstrual cramps

Although women tend to use painkillers to relieve discomfort caused by menstrual cramps, it is possible to relieve pain in a completely natural way. That is why we have prepared a list of the best drinks especially for you that will allow you to effectively relieve this type of persistent pain.

1. Chamomile infusion

The first hot drink to relieve stomach aches and menstrual cramps on our list is chamomile tea. Remember that it contains two chemical compounds that are important to you, called hippuric acid (hippuric acid) and glycine.

These chemicals can help you relax your uterine muscles when you are having menstrual cramps due to their over-tension. In addition, chamomile has unique anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce overall discomfort.

Chamomile infusion
  • To make chamomile infusions yourself, you need a glass of hot water.
  • Then, brew a bag of dried chamomile in it for about 10 minutes.
  • Then remove the bag with the plant and add lemon juice or a teaspoon of honey to the infusion.

We recommend drinking two glasses of this infusion a day. It will be especially important for you to remember to start drinking it about a week before your expected start of your period.

You should also know that scientists are currently conducting research to support the thesis that chamomile’s antispasmodic properties are due to its high content of terpenoids and flavonoids, i.e. ingredients with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

2. Ginger infusion to soothe menstrual cramps

The second place on our list is taken by ginger tea. It is another hot drink that can do wonders for relieving stomach aches and menstrual cramps.

Like chamomile, it has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, it can help you with painful uterine contractions. It works very simply and since ginger plays a key role in reducing the level of prostaglandins in your body.

ginger for menstrual cramps

Also, if your period is accompanied by nausea, an upset stomach, and general discomfort, ginger can help ease these problems and make you feel better.

You can increase your daily ginger intake by adding it to, for example, soups or smoothies. However, we believe that ginger tea is the most delicious way to consume it. It also benefits from relieving menstrual irregularities as well as combating the general feeling of fatigue.

3. Cinnamon infusion

The third position is occupied by cinnamon infusion. This drink is really fantastic for your ailments. Its usefulness is based primarily on its anti-inflammatory properties. We are convinced that drinking it regularly will help you relieve persistent abdominal pain and menstrual cramps.

Cinnamon infusion

Ingredients you will need:

  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g)

The method of preparing this infusion for menstrual cramps:

  • First, bring a glass of water to a boil and add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to it.
  • Then let it infuse for about two or three minutes.
  • If you want, you can add honey to the infusion to flavor it.
  • You can drink this drink three times during the first day of your period.

4. Mint tea

Mint tea is another great option for relieving menstrual cramps. In fact, drinking it regularly helps to calm your stomach and prevents all kinds of swelling and bloating in your abdomen.

Its soothing and relaxing effect provides relief, especially in the case of persistent menstrual cramps. In addition, it helps in the treatment of headaches and soothes all kinds of stomach and intestinal problems.

Numerous studies have shown that mint relaxes the muscles of the uterus, thereby relieving pain and menstrual cramps that cause bothersome discomfort. As an added bonus, this drink is simply very tasty. We recommend drinking it regularly one week before your expected period.

You can drink four to five glasses of this tea each day.

5. Tea with raspberries

Finally, we recommend the use of raspberry leaf tea to relieve menstrual cramps. And while it is one of the rarest tea varieties on the market, it is very tasty and has the potential to reduce pain during your period.

In addition, leaf tea with raspberries has strong anti-inflammatory properties. This means that it is very useful for relieving stomach pains and preventing constipation.

Finally, remember that our list of hot drinks for relieving menstrual pain and cramps above includes some natural products that can be very useful for you. However, also bear in mind that there are many more. So let’s look for other interesting alternatives on your own.

We are more than sure that you will find the optimal hot drink that works best for you and will reduce the pain and discomfort of your period.

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