Mashed Potatoes And Steamed Vegetables – 4 Recipes

In this article, we want to show you some simple ways to prepare steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. You will love these recipes!
Mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables - 4 recipes

Steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes are a great combination. This healthy dish is rich in carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B5.

Our recipes can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is so important to your physical and emotional well-being. Moreover, they are extremely tasty. So take a step forward and discover healthy, easy-to-make and delicious foods.

You can eat pure mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables as a meal, or combine them with your favorite foods.

4 recipes for mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables

1. Mashed potatoes with celery

mashed potatoes

Let’s start with a special recipe for mashed potatoes with a little celery. Mashed potatoes are a dish that in itself is a favorite of many people. However, it never hurts to try to add some aromatic twist to it. Do you dare to try?


  • 1 bag of potatoes (500 g)
  • salt (to taste)
  • 1 celery root (300 g)
  • 1 can of full-fat milk (150 ml)
  • a cube of butter (125 g)


  • Wash the potatoes thoroughly and put them in the pot.
  • Add a little salt and cook for 30 minutes.
  • While the potatoes are boiling, peel the celery and cut it into small pieces. Cook for 20 minutes.
  • Take the potatoes out of the water and peel them while they are still hot.
  • Mix the potatoes with the celery and mash them with a potato masher.
  • Place the mashed mixture in a pot and add the butter.
  • Heat over low heat, stirring constantly.
  • Heat the milk and add it to the puree before it boils.

Your mashed potatoes and celery is ready. You can also use other vegetables in this dish to find the ones you like best. Now that you have prepared puree and you know how to create them in different ways, you can also learn the art of steaming other vegetables using different methods.

Take a look at this article: Celery: A 20-Day Healing Diet

2. Steamed vegetables with grated cheese

This simple dish only contains 60 calories per serving. Therefore, it is a great option for a healthy meal.

steamed vegetables


  • 1 tray of Oaxaca cheese (also called string cheese; 250 g)
  • 1 bowl of sweet corn (125 g)
  • 3 carrots (60 g)
  • 1 broccoli (300 g)


  • Wash and disinfect vegetables thoroughly.
  • Cut the vegetables into small pieces.
  • Wrap all ingredients in aluminum foil.
  • Boil the vegetables in a pot over medium heat for 20 minutes until they are tender.
  • Serve the steamed vegetables with mashed potatoes, which goes well with white meat or pasta dishes.

3. Stuffed chicken breasts with steamed vegetables

Let’s take a look at the recipe for stuffed chicken breast with steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. It is located below.

stuffed chicken breasts

Ingredients (single serving)

  • various types of vegetables (for steaming)
  • chicken breast fillets (250 g )
  • bread crumbs (300 g)
  • ham (200 g)
  • cheese (200 g)
  • 1 egg (60 g)


  • Put as much ham and cheese as you like on the chicken breast.
  • After the chicken is filled, dip the breast into the beaten egg a few times, then into the breadcrumbs.
  • Fry the chicken breasts in a pan with a little oil until it turns golden.
  • Finally, drain the chicken and serve with steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes.

4. Steamed salmon with vegetables and butter

This dish is absolutely amazing. It is extremely easy to prepare as well as very tasty and nutritious. However, be careful because among the ingredients is a mexican pepper leaf.



  • twigs of musk quinoa
  • 1/4 onion (55 g)
  • 1/4 salmon (55 g)
  • 5 leaves of Mexican pepper
  • 1 red tomato (220 g)
  • butter and salt (to taste)


  • Brush the salmon with butter. Place the mexican pepper leaves on the tin foil and then place the salmon on top.
  • Slice the tomato and onion into Julienne strips and add them to the salmon, along with the butternut quinoa sprigs. If you like, you can add a few drops of the broth.
  • Cover the salmon with Mexican pepper and foil.
  • Fry in a hot frying pan for 15 minutes until the food starts to steam.
  • Serve with mashed potatoes and enjoy the delicious taste.

In conclusion, there are many simple ways to include vegetables and purees in your diet. Try our ideas to see how delicious this combination is.

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