8 Wonderful Celery Properties

Did you know celery is a natural anti-inflammatory, diuretic and digestive aid? And these are just some of its miraculous properties. Learn the secret of this incredibly healthy vegetable.
8 wonderful properties of celery

The green stalks of celery are known and widely eaten all over the world. Thanks to its miraculous properties, this plant is widely used both in gastronomy and in natural medicine. Its aroma and taste are a perfect complement to salads, soups and many other dishes.

Another important benefit of celery is that it is low in calories and rich in nutrients, making it a desirable ingredient in all kinds of weight loss diets.

In short, we have the perfect vegetable in front of us, which is worth including in your daily diet, especially if you are struggling with excess fluid in the body’s tissues and extra kilos.

Many of us are still unfamiliar with the wonderful properties of celery. Perhaps you also don’t. Below we discover the most valuable secrets of this green vegetable. Meet them with us!

1. Celery stalks fight fat and cholesterol

Fresh celery

One of the reasons why celery is worth eating is because it is high in water and completely free from fat and cholesterol. Consumed regularly, it helps to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

2. Celery is a valuable source of vitamins and minerals

It is worth remembering that celery contains virtually a complete set of vitamins and minerals that our body needs for proper functioning. However, this dosage is relatively low compared to other foods.

Ribbed celery is a source of the following vitamins:

  • Vitamins A.
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamins C.
  • Vitamins E.
  • Folic acid

Ribbed celery is a source of the following minerals:

  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Sulfur
  • Phosphorus
  • Copper
  • Silicon

3. Celery as a source of essential oils

Green drink for kidney health

Although celery is mostly water, it also contains some essential oils with strong antibacterial and diuretic properties.

What oils are we talking about?

  • Apiol
  • Limonene
  • Psoralen
  • Apiina

These oils are used in the treatment of all kinds of kidney diseases and help fight bacterial infections.

4. A vegetable rich in antioxidants

The high content of nutrients and antioxidants makes celery a great ally in the fight against serious disorders caused by free radicals.

Nutrients act as a protective barrier against harmful external factors of the natural environment, and if that was not enough – they limit the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the walls of blood vessels.

On the other hand, they are also a source of flavonoids, i.e. antioxidants that prevent and support the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

5. Celery is a natural diuretic

Fluid retention in tissues

Due to the high content of water and essential oils, celery is considered a food product with strong diuretic properties. This means that it is an excellent means of supporting the treatment of renal dysfunction and helps to fight off excess fluid in the body’s tissues.

Regular consumption of celery stimulates urine production, which helps eliminate excess uric acid and urea.

At the same time, this vegetable is recommended as an adjunct to the treatment of kidney stones, as it helps to naturally remove all types of toxins accumulating in the urinary tract.

6. Strong anti-inflammatory properties

The flavonoids in celery essential oil have strong anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in treating chronic diseases such as gout and arthritis.

This substance, along with a large dose of vitamins and minerals, stimulates the renewal of cells and connective tissue of the body.

7. Celery to improve digestion

Flat belly

Celery infusion has been used since ancient times as a natural remedy for digestive disorders. It perfectly fights inflammation, reduces intestinal gas and relieves pain.

The healing properties of the infusion stimulate the production of saliva and gastric juices. It is perfect for those who suffer from a lack of appetite and slow metabolism.

8. It is a source of fiber

Although celery does not contain high amounts of fiber, it is still a valuable source of fiber, which allows it to cover the body’s daily requirements for this nutrient.

Fiber plays a key role in our health and proper body weight. With its deficiency, our body has serious problems in removing metabolic waste and excess fat.

Eating fiber every day helps to maintain the health of the digestive system and promotes the excretion of excess bad cholesterol.

Who is celery not recommended for?

  • Celery contains large amounts of glucoside, therefore its consumption is not recommended for pregnant women. This substance increases the risk of miscarriage.
  • Due to its strong diuretic properties, celery is not recommended for people suffering from cystitis or severe kidney disease.
  • You should never consume celery in excess, as this vegetable can cause digestive disorders.

In order to take full advantage of all the benefits of this miracle vegetable, it should be eaten raw, i.e. as an addition to salads and smoothies. However, if you want to use it to improve digestion, it is best to prepare it as an infusion or boil it.

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