Does Acupuncture Heal Joint Pain? Learn Some Important Facts

Does acupuncture treat joint pain?  Learn some important facts

Acupuncture has been used for centuries in conjunction with other treatments for various conditions. But does acupuncture treat joint pain ? What are its advantages?

Do you know what makes acupuncture to heal joint pain ?

Acupuncture is the cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine. It has been practiced for thousands of years, combining it with other methods supporting the treatment of various diseases and diseases.

Scientists are not sure what the therapeutic effects of this branch of alternative medicine are based on. Despite this, acupuncture is now extremely popular also in Western countries. And many people use it to improve their quality of life.

What is acupuncture?

Although it is not known exactly how acupuncture works, many studies highlight the physiological changes that occur in the patient’s body after surgery. One of the effects of this type of therapy is the reduction of pain, including joint pain.

Acupuncture is based on activities that stimulate specific anatomical points in the body. Various techniques are used in therapy, the best known involves the use of needles. The health benefits of these kinds of practices have been studied in depth for many years.

In general, acupuncture is about inserting small, thin needles strategically into the skin, reducing the pain caused by various diseases.

Does acupuncture treat joint pain?

A study by the International Foundation for Osteoarthritis (OAFI) shows that more than 70% of women over the age of 35 suffer from joint pain . This type of disorder affects the musculoskeletal system and affects the joints that are responsible for bone mobility in the knees, ankles, hips and wrists.

More severe forms of the condition may even make it impossible to perform activities such as walking or sitting in a chair.

Knee pain

Joint pain is initially perceived as intense , sharp pain and stiffness that restricts joint movement as inflammation develops . This restriction of movement significantly worsens the quality of life, making it difficult to carry out everyday activities.

Here are some of the  symptoms of joint pain :

  • State of  inflammation , skin hot to the touch and redness around the pond.
  • Skin rash or red spots.
  • Chest pain and breathing problems.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Fever, sweating or chills.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the leading causes of joint pain. It is  a degenerative disease where the cartilage degenerates and the joints do not have adequate protection. Bones rub against each other and rub, causing severe pain and stiffness in the joint.

Does acupuncture treat joint pain?

Osteoarthritis occurs as a result of factors such as age, weight, and genetics. Fortunately, making lifestyle changes can sometimes make symptoms less severe. In addition, most studies emphasize the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating osteoarthritis.

Acupuncture treats joint pain

Research in the Cochrane Health Information Database shows that acupuncture treats joint pain to some extent, of course, and improves mobility in patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis.

In order to conduct the study, the patients were divided into two groups. One of them was subjected to acupuncture, and the other was a control group and no treatment was applied to it. After 8 and 26 weeks, patients who received acupuncture treatments experienced less pain and were able to enjoy increased mobility compared to controls.

What About Drug Induced Joint Pain?

Joint pain can also appear as a side effect of medication. Aromatase inhibitors are substances used to treat patients with breast cancer or postmenopausal women who are at high risk of developing cancer. Their use may cause joint pain so much that some patients stop taking them altogether.

A recent study by the scientific research network SWOG (Southwestern Cancer Group) has shown that acupuncture significantly reduces joint pain associated with aromatase inhibitor treatment in patients in the early stages of menopause or with breast cancer.

226 patients from various medical centers participated in the study. They were divided into three groups in which the following were used:

  • Acupuncture treatment,
  • Mock acupuncture treatment,
  • No treatment.

After 12 weeks, patients treated with acupuncture saw a reduction in pain intensity that lasted for several months. This shows the development of non-opioid treatments and the side effects of their use.


While more research still needs to be done to understand how acupuncture works , there is no doubt that this method works very well for treating joint pain. In addition, it also brings relief to patients suffering from fibromyalgia and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease.

This is why some doctors advise patients that they may use acupuncture along with other treatments. Also, acupuncture is sometimes covered by health insurance, depending on the country you live in, the region, and your insurance company.

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