Artretyzm – 7 Essential Rules

Above all, be sure to stay positive, because feeling depressed and irritable can only make your condition worse.
Arthritis - 7 essential rules

Arthritis is a chronic disease that causes inflammation in your joints, which is a source of pain. Symptoms may worsen over time, which may make it impossible to perform daily activities and thus affect the quality of life.

People with  arthritis often break down, unable to cope with the painful symptoms that are difficult to overcome.

Arthritis 7 essential rules

Fortunately, thanks to advanced medicine and research, there are therapies that are of great support to patients. The most important thing is to be positive and not to give up.

1. Arthritis – the need for a quick diagnosis

As soon as the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to see a doctor. It is he who will make an appropriate diagnosis and prescribe a therapy.

Doctor examining hands

Gout should be treated as soon as possible, because it is in its first stage that you can most effectively control the symptoms and prevent more serious consequences.

2. Inform yourself

Lack of information about this condition is the sick person’s worst enemy. Moreover, you will most likely be frightened by everything that is said and written about this ailment. You can combat this fear by inquiring about it. There are many treatments (including alternatives) that can help you manage your symptoms and stop the progression of your condition.

3. Change your eating habits

The issue of nutrition for people suffering from gout is extremely important. Some experts argue that our diet plays the greatest role in controlling the symptoms of this ailment.

Mediterranean diet

There are studies that prove that improper bacterial flora or inadequate pH of the body negatively affect the condition of our joints. Therefore, you should not forget about fruits, vegetables and foods rich in natural antibiotics.

4. Avoid animal products

In many cases, it is very difficult to know which foods contribute to inflammation. In addition, however, it is known that animal origin – especially meat – has a negative effect on gout patients, causing intestinal problems.

5. Low calorie diet

A calorie-restricted diet that includes foods such as grains and fruits and vegetables helps to improve the gut flora and reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

The most recommended products are:

  • Buckwheat
  • Quinoa
  • Scarlet
  • Wholemeal rice
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Lentils
  • Kale
  • Cabbage and broccoli
  • Spinach

6. Accept the disease

If you feel that since you’ve been diagnosed with arthritis, all is lost, then consider that you are only making the problem worse. The wrong approach causes not only emotional but also physical problems: the pain is getting worse and the medications are not working effectively.

Arthritis in the hands

Accepting the disease will improve the comfort of your life and provide you with the strength you need to fight it. 

7. Patience

Arthritis manifests itself very irregularly: today you may be feeling great, and tomorrow you may not be able to get out of bed.

In addition, pain, fatigue and inability to perform basic activities affect the well-being and cause frustration. Learn to be patient. He will be your best ally in the fight against the disease.

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