4 Tricks To Help You Exercise Better In The Gym

If you want to be more productive in the gym, there are some tips to keep in mind that will help you achieve better results.
Better results in the gym - what to do to achieve them

When summer arrives, many people start training sessions to work out beautifully taut muscles to meet the sun. In order for you to become the best version of yourself, we put at your disposal a few tricks to help you achieve better results in the gym.

Of course, by keeping a few tips in mind, you can increase your productivity and get better results. On the other hand, training is a good time for you as it allows you to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle. In addition, it is an effective way to reduce anxiety levels and reduce stress.

So let’s get started!

The best tricks to help you achieve better results in the gym

To give your 100% of your workout in the gym, there are some important tips to consider:

1. Start with dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching is a central component of virtually every warm-up.  Thanks to dynamic stretching, you gradually increase your body temperature and heart rate.  It allows the muscles to be warmed up and also prepares the body for activity.


The dynamic warm-up also helps to increase your range of motion so you can deepen each exercise and get better results when it comes to strengthening your muscles. Which stretches you need to do during your warm-up will depend on the type of workout you want to do afterwards.

2. Alternating muscle movements

One of the most important tips when it comes to the gym is alternating movements when working with different muscle groups. Also known as cross training, this technique helps you maintain a higher level of intensity for longer periods of time. This is better than limiting your work to just one area of ​​your body or a one-sided group of muscles.

Fitness club
  • So try moving to your upper body as soon as your legs feel tired of thrusting.
  • Once your legs have rested a little, you can continue where you left off. Now you can perform a series of squats, field jumps, or any other form of toning that you find appropriate for training your lower parts.

3. Set up a training schedule

The most important thing is to realistically assess the frequency and duration of training. Therefore, you should not establish an exercise plan that you cannot follow. Remember that you will get better results with regularity than with occasional bursts.

Sometimes you don’t have to spend an entire hour training. In fact, 30 minutes of exercise may be enough if you follow a well-rounded physical activity program.

Regarding frequency, it’s ideal to train 3 to 4 times a week. We recommend setting up a plan that includes the days and hours of your training sessions. Once you have planned your session, all you need to do is face the laziness and the busy schedule that arises from trying to reconcile your personal and professional life.

4. Music

Listening to music while you’re at the gym can help you get better results. This is not a completely new concept, but experience proves its effectiveness.

Many people confirm that thanks to music it is possible to maintain a high level of training. It helps to maintain awareness of movement during exercise.

The gym.

The ingredients of music, both words and tempo, can positively affect performance. For another source of motivation and a boost of adrenaline, we recommend creating a playlist of your favorite songs, perfect for training in the gym.

5. Adequate rest

The last of our tips to help you achieve better results in the gym is a good quality rest. To get more exercise in the gym, it is very important to enjoy deep, prolonged, and uninterrupted sleep, which should last 6 to 8 hours.

If you go to bed too late or stay awake at night, you will feel tired when you wake up. Consequently, it will affect your energy during the training.

Therefore, to get a good rest, we recommend:

  • Do not use electronic devices at night
  • Don’t drink alcohol
  • Eliminate caffeine from 2 p.m.
  • Establish wakefulness and sleep times according to the sun’s natural cycle.

Finally, remember that motivation comes from several sources, but it certainly works !

When you are able to perceive specific physical and mental changes, training efforts are more acceptable. So try implementing these few tips and you will see how easy it will be for you to achieve much better results in the gym.

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