Sagging Facial Skin – Here Are 6 Great Exercises

Do you want to keep your skin youthful and firm? Do these simple exercises. They are a perfect complement to the daily skin care.
Sagging facial skin - here are 6 great exercises

Have you heard about the benefits of exercising your facial muscles to keep your facial skin from saggingSagging facial skin  is a problem faced by many women. It is caused by the declining production of collagen and elastin with age, two substances responsible for the youthful and supple appearance of your skin.

The result is a loss of firmness in the skin tissues and the appearance of wrinkles and premature signs of skin aging. Of course, don’t panic as aging is a natural biological process, but some people experience it earlier due to adverse environmental factors.

Fortunately, this is an easy problem to deal with. There are many different products and other ways that you can use to slow down this process.

One way is with this collection of 6 firming exercises you can do anywhere. You’re ready?

1. Forehead exercises for sagging facial skin

Tightening the skin of your forehead with daily exercise can help prevent unsightly, deep wrinkles from appearing on it.

This exercise will firm up flabby tissues, and thanks to the fact that it also improves circulation, it increases the overall oxygenation of the skin.

Exercises for sagging facial skin, forehead tightening

How to make them?

  • Find a place where you can completely relax and place your hands on your forehead.
  • Then gently stretch the skin from the inside out.
  • Do 10 to 15 repetitions with 10-second breaks in between.

2. Exercise for the skin around the eyes

By doing this firming exercise on the skin around the eyes you can prevent the appearance and reduce annoying crow’s feet. This exercise strengthens your skin by providing adequate amounts of collagen and elastin.

How to do them?

  • Arrange your index finger and thumb as you would like to make glasses.
  • Bring them around your eyes and without pressing too much on your skin, gently stretch it up and down.
  • Blink 20 times while maintaining the tension, hold for 2 or 3 seconds and then relax your muscles.

3. Exercises to eliminate sagging facial skin on the cheeks

The cheeks are the part of the face where the loss of skin firmness and elasticity is easiest to spot. Leather easily sags and  can clearly show your age and even age you.

Luckily, your cheeks can feel firm again by doing this facial muscle exercise.

Cheek exercise for sagging facial skin

How to do them?

  • Inhale and puff up your cheeks.
  • When they are tense and inflated, hit them with your fingertips.
  • Hold for 10 seconds and exhale slowly.
  • Then purse your lips on the right and then the left.
  • Do 10 repetitions and rest.

4. Exercise for the eyelids

Your eyelids are very sensitive and may start to sag as you lose nutrients from the epidermis.

Consistent exercise and proper care are essential as the tissue loses its elasticity more easily in this area than in other areas of the face.

How to do them?

  • Place your index finger between the bottom of your eye and your nose.
  • Without opening your mouth, start blinking rapidly as you try to look up at the ceiling.
  • Blink for 20 to 30 seconds, do 3 repetitions.

5. Exercises for the skin around the mouth

The skin around the mouth is constantly attacked by the sun, toxins and certain foods. This is because the skin in this area is thinner and is often overlooked in daily skin care.

Luckily, this firming exercise is very easy and can be done multiple times a day.

Exercises for sagging facial skin

How to do them?

  • Open your mouth as much as you can, hold it open for 3 seconds and close it.
  • Do 10 repetitions 2 or 3 times.
  • Then, in front of the mirror, pronounce the vowels aloud, trying to move your lips excessively.
  • Do 10 repetitions and let your muscles relax.

6. Exercise for the neck and chin

If you exercise your chin and neck every day, you will prevent sagging, loss of firmness and inflammation.

How do I do that?

  • Stand or sit down. Look straight ahead. The back is straight.
  • Tilt your head back looking up at the ceiling and move your mouth as if you are chewing.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, return to the starting position, and do 10 to 15 repetitions.

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