What To Do To Cleanse Your Lungs?

Did you know thyme can help eliminate respiratory bacteria? By consuming thyme infusions twice a day, you will relieve bronchitis and cleanse the lungs.
What can I do to clear my lungs?

For the benefit of all smokers, people who struggle with recurring lung problems or simply for those who have trouble breathing, we have prepared some extremely valuable tips that will allow you to cleanse  your lungs in a simple and natural way .

The key to success is learning to breathe properly, improving ventilation and ventilating our homes properly, and removing any nasal secretions. Follow these tips and you’ll learn how to clear your lungs immediately .

Exercises such as yoga and Tai Chi teach us to breathe properly using various parts of our body, such as the abdomen, diaphragm and chest.

What can I do to clear my lungs?

Steam baths

This is an excellent method for all childhood respiratory diseases, and it also helps to cleanse your lungs, especially for smokers.

How can I prepare a home steam room?

Boil two liters of water with the addition of medicinal herbs. It can be thyme, pine, rosemary, eucalyptus, chamomile or oregano. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes more.

Then you will observe the vapor slowly rising from the mixture. Remove the pot from the heat, cover your head with a towel and place it over the pot (be careful; be careful not to burn the skin with steam). Inhale the vapor deeply through your nose and mouth, and you can also inhale the vapor by plugging the nostril once a second.

Get rid of the secretions

Sometimes you wake up with a “stuffy nose” feeling. This is perfectly normal. The excess discharge can sometimes overload or even obstruct the bronchial tubes. To help prevent excess mucus and clear your lungs, follow these tips:

Clean the nasal passage with nasal irrigation. For this purpose, use special irrigation agents that you can buy at the pharmacy. This procedure is especially recommended when mucus is constantly in your nasal cavity.

Rinsing the nose

Keep in mind that food also affects the amount of discharge. Until you feel completely better, you should eliminate all foods that increase the amount of mucus from your daily diet. Here are the foods to avoid:

  • milk and dairy products, especially cow’s milk. Replace them with milk of plant origin.
  • flour and products that contain flour in their composition. Set aside traditional bread, replace it with non-flour products. In this case, they will turn out to be much healthier for you.

Learn how to breathe properly

If we are already on the topic of breathing apparatus, it should be emphasized that the vast majority of us do not breathe properly because… forget how to do it! We limit ourselves to the breath that enables us to survive, instead of also purifying our lungs.

Such neglect does not favor our lungs, which are forced to work harder, which means that they are unable to deliver oxygen to all parts of our body.

How can I learn to breathe properly?

The most effective way to learn how to breathe properly is through yoga, meditation or tai chi, which combine exercise and deep breathing.

Breathing exercise

They teach us how to breathe using various parts of our body, such as the abdomen, diaphragm, and chest.

Streamline your night breathing

The average person sleeps an average of 8 hours at night, or a third of a day. That is why it is worth making sure that our bedrooms are full of fresh, healthy air.

How can we find out and clear our lungs?

  • ventilate the whole house every day if you want to keep the window ajar all night.
  • if you are unable to fully ventilate your home, make sure that at least the bedroom door is left ajar for the day.
    Ventilated bedroom
  • Put oxygen-generating plants such as ivy in your bedroom. With two or three plants of this type in our bedroom, we can be sure that the air we breathe will be fresh and clean.
  • Get rid of moisture and unpleasant odors. Use appropriate preparations and electric diffusers.

Forget about being depressed

It is worth realizing that people suffering from frequent or chronic respiratory diseases are exposed to significant mood drops. It has been proven that there is a psychosomatic connection between these diseases and the constant feeling of sadness.

Therefore, any treatment undertaken must also take into account the emotional element, which can be treated naturally, with homeopathy, natural medicines, for example drops of floral origin, or with the help of a professional psychotherapist.

Photos are courtesy of Marketing Deluxe, Breigh Hammarlund and Caribb.

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