6 Breakfast Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

In the process of losing weight, we often make the mistake of skipping breakfast. It is more important to choose the right ingredients so that this first meal will provide us with the necessary nutrients and energy for the whole day.
Healthy breakfasts - 6 recipes that will help you lose weight

You probably think that the best thing to do to lose weight is to eat less and skip certain meals as much as possible. It is not a good decision, especially when it involves skipping breakfast.  Don’t skip any meals – just learn how to compose them to lose weight. In this article, you will find 6 recipes for delicious and healthy breakfasts.

Isn’t it worth getting to know some new recipes for healthy breakfasts?

According to numerous studies, people who regularly eat breakfast are less prone to gaining weight. By providing the body with morning energy in the form of a properly balanced meal, we will feel less hungry for the rest of the day.

The optimal time to eat breakfast is one hour after you wake up.

Healthy breakfasts and activation of metabolism

After a long sleep, our body needs a stimulus that activates metabolism. It is breakfast. Healthy breakfasts consumed every day will help you speed up your metabolism. Thanks to faster burning fats, the weight loss process will take place naturally.

nuts and fruit in a bowl
  • So remember that in order to maintain a perfect figure and lose weight: you must not skip the morning breakfast. Why else should you include breakfast in your diet?
  • In the case of uneaten breakfast, your metabolism works much slower. This is because the body tries to protect the energy left over from the previous day. Stores and reserves for later in the form of fat, and you don’t fit into the next pants.
  • Regularly eaten tasty and healthy breakfasts also improve your well-being. You do not experience anxiety and excessive appetite, which allows you to eat less and not gain weight.
  • Giving up breakfast results in a 30% increase in blood glucose levels during the day. This can lead to diabetes and weight gain.

Healthy breakfasts rich in protein

Slimming breakfasts are those rich in macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids and fats). What cannot be missing from the morning meal are proteins, which significantly increase the feeling of satiety and provide the necessary energy.

Basic guidelines for a slimming breakfast

Below are five basic rules to keep in mind when composing your breakfast. They are not complicated. They are designed to help you stick to the path that will lead to weight loss.

Add at least 8 grams of fiber to each breakfast. This will make you feel full for hours.

healthy breakfasts fruit nuts
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates . Replace them with whole grains and cereals. If you really care about fast weight loss – replace simple sugars with those contained in fruit.
  • Breakfast should be eaten up to one hour after the start of the day.
  • Follow the rule: more protein and less sugar.
  • Breakfast should be plentiful but within reason. Ideally, it should not exceed 350 calories.
  • Never skip breakfast!

Healthy breakfasts for weight loss – 6 recipes

Breakfast No. 1

  • 1 cup of skim milk
  • 1 cup of orange juice
  • 2 slices of whole grain bread with your favorite sugar-free jam
  • Fruit e.g. kiwi, peach or strawberry

Breakfast number 2

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Fat-free muesli yogurt
  • Fruit: This can be an apple or a banana
  • 1 cup of coffee with skim milk
  • 3 favorite cookies
egg and avocado sandwiches

Breakfast number 3

  • Wholemeal toasted bread with boiled egg
  • Chia seeds
  • 1 cup of coffee with skim milk

Breakfast number 4

  • Cooked egg
  • 1 piece of avocado (50 g)
  • Chia seeds
  • A piece of whole grain bread
  • Sliced ​​tomato
  • ½ cup of skim milk

Breakfast number 5

  • Healthy porridge
  • 1 slice of rye bread
  • 2 slices of unsalted cheese (40 g)
  • Spinach leaves
  • 1 cup of sliced ​​peach
  • ½ cup of skim milk

Breakfast number 6

  • Berry cocktail
  • Boiled egg
  • Avocado slices
  • A slice of rye bread

The above 6 examples of healthy meals to start the day are just some suggestions that include essential nutrients. You can change the recipes creatively. You just need to remember to include dietary fiber and proteins combined with carbohydrates in your breakfast. 

Recommended ingredients for a healthy breakfast:

Whole wheat bread : the fiber contained in these products will provide you with energy and a feeling of satiety.
Eggs: They are high in protein and contain healthy fats which serve as an essential source of energy.
Fruits: contain all the minerals and vitamins you need to start your day well. In addition, they consist of natural sugars that can serve as a substitute for harmful simple sugars and sweets.

There are at least as many healthy breakfast options as there are days on the calendar! It just takes consistent self-denial and determination not to miss any of the meals. Breakfast should be a celebration and a good forecast of the day beginning.

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