5 Home Hair Dye Removers

If the result of dyeing your hair yourself turned out to be a nightmare for you, you do not have to put on a hat or hat for a few weeks or turn your head to zero – nature comes to your rescue! There are several home remedies that can effectively remove unwanted color from your strands.
Washing the paint off the hair?  - 5 home ways

Hair coloring is a very popular practice among women of all ages. But what if the color does not come out as expected? Removing hair dye at home is possible! Of course, a better solution is to choose the color more meticulously, but once it has happened, you have to act.

In fact, there are many ways to wash off hair dye if the color results have been a disaster. In the supermarket, you can buy a special chemical preparation that will help you regain the natural shade of your hair. However, we focus on nature and offer proven home remedies.

Washing off hair dye – why does it sometimes have to be done?

It often happens that the result of dyeing hair significantly differs from our expectations and we would like to wash it off immediately. Such “mistakes” when coloring the strands are the result of improperly selected paint. Sometimes we just want to experiment with our appearance, and in other cases it is a misfit with the shade.

This is because our hair already has its own color. If we were to apply the paint to white strands, the resulting shade would be identical to that stated on the package. Natural hair color significantly affects the final result of coloring, so sometimes the results may surprise us.

Woman washing her hair

The situation is not pleasant. In addition to wasting time and money, it is also a source of great stress. Many of us think with horror: Now what? Will I have to cut my hair or hide it under my hat? Fortunately, this problem has a quick, effective and all-natural solution. Do you want to know what?

Learn five home remedies for washing hair off your hair. They are simple, do not require a lot of time, and the end result will surely bring you back to a good mood.

1. Warm oil

One surefire way to fade the color of a bad hair dye is to use olive oil or coconut oil while warm. Both products perfectly moisturize and nourish hair, especially dry and damaged hair with frequent coloring.

The application of warm oil to the hair causes the paint to gradually drain off. Thanks to this method, you will not only get rid of the nightmare color, but also nourish the strands and make them silky soft to the touch and shiny.

  • 2 cups of olive oil or coconut oil – choice (500 ml)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
Preparation and application
  • Heat the oil using the water bath technique. The temperature should slightly exceed your body temperature – remember that you will be applying the product to the scalp and hair, so it must not be hot.
  • Before you apply the oil, wash your hair and thoroughly dry off any excess water with a towel.
  • Then, apply warm oil to your hair – all the way, from the roots to the ends.
  • Wrap a towel around your head and let it sit for about an hour.
  • Finally, rinse your hair with lukewarm water. Repeat the treatment until you get rid of the unsuccessful results of coloring.

2. Vinegar

Rinsing your hair with vinegar is not only a way to wash paint off your hair, it is also a healing remedy for dandruff and other skin problems. What’s more, this cheap and widely available product moisturizes and softens strands and makes them shine like a mirror.

Apple cider vinegar and washing hair dye off

If you want to remove an unsatisfactory color effect, you should mix the vinegar with olive oil. Such a mixture will quickly remove unwanted color from your hair.

  • 2 cups of vinegar (500 ml)
  • 2 cups of olive oil (500 ml)
Preparation and application
  • In a suitable vessel, combine the vinegar with the olive oil and set aside for a while.
  • In the meantime, wash your hair with your favorite shampoo. Apply the prepared mixture as a natural conditioner – leave it on your head for about 5 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse your hair with a copious stream of lukewarm water.
  • Use the olive oil remedy after every shampooing. Hair color will gradually revert to natural.

3. Vitamin C tablets

A cheap and quick way to wash off hair dye – you only need three ingredients that will bring you at least two shades closer to the natural color of your strands. Both lemon juice and popular tablets that strengthen the body’s immunity work great here.

  • Favorite shampoo
  • 2 tablespoons of water (30 ml)
  • 3 effervescent vitamin C tablets
Preparation and application
  • Pour two tablespoons of water over a vitamin C tablet and wait for it to dissolve.
  • Then add the resulting mixture to a bottle of your favorite shampoo and shake it vigorously to mix it well. Use with every hair wash.
  • The results should appear after about a week.

4. Washing powder

This method is a bit risky and it is usually used by really desperate ladies, because it is not completely safe for the strands. It’s about washing your hair with washing powder. However, this product is so powerful that it dries out the hair excessively, causing it to lose shine and prone to breakage and damage.

Try to scrupulously choose the dose of the powder and do not wash your hair with it too often. After washing your hair with a strong detergent, always apply a decent conditioner or mask (for example egg yolks, honey and olive oil) to the strands. Thanks to this, you will avoid drying your hair and keep it healthy.

  • 1 tablespoon of washing powder (can also be liquid detergent) (15 g)
  • Plentiful stream of water
  • Hair conditioner
Preparation and application
  • Wet your hair and rub in detergent as if you were washing your hair with shampoo. Gently massage the hair along its entire length – from the roots to the tips.
  • Then leave it on your head for about 5 minutes, then rinse with plenty of lukewarm water.
  • Finally, apply a conditioner or mask to your hair and leave it on for 5-20 minutes, depending on the type of product. This step is very important and you should never skip it, as washing powder dries, weakens and damages your hair. If you want to prevent this, you should nourish them properly immediately after the treatment.
  • Washing off the paint with this method is effective and brings positive results when the treatment is carried out every other day.

5. Lemon rinse

On the occasion of vitamin C tablets, we mentioned that lemon juice is also great for removing unwanted color from your hair.

Lemon is an extremely versatile fruit that not only improves health, but also fantastically cares for your beauty and helps you quickly and effectively fix many cosmetic errors. Among other things, it naturally lightens the hair by several tones.

Fresh lemon juice
  • Freshly squeezed juice from 5 lemons
  • 4-5 tablespoons of water (60-75 ml)
Preparation and application
  • First, wash your hair with your favorite shampoo. When your hair is foaming, apply a lemon juice solution with water and gently massage it into the strands along the entire length – from the roots to the ends.
  • Leave the mixture on your head for about 5 minutes, then massage your hair for a while and rinse with a copious stream of lukewarm water.
  • Finally, apply a good hair conditioner. Wash off with water.
  • Use this method of removing paint from your hair every time you wash your hair. The results will appear gradually.

Using home remedies to wash off hair dye is the healthiest option to keep your strands beautiful and strong.

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